e d u c a t i o n
e d u c a t i o n
We Provide Customized Teaching, Tutorial & Testing Services as well as
Hands-On Learning Activities that Engage and Inspire Students to Love Learning.
Hands-On Learning Activities that Engage and Inspire Students to Love Learning.
Success in Cambridge Examinations also helps students gain admission to the world's best universities.
We Also Offer Custom Designed Courses to More Fully Prepare Students
Because many schools do not offer the coursework needed to provide a truly complete education.
We Teach History, Literature, Arts, Science, Logic and the Practical Application of Real Life Skills.
Our Students Can Design and Conduct the Scientific Laboratory Experiments they really want to do.
We provide Hands-On "Project Based Learning" activities and offer opporatunities for students to
Practice the Real Life Skills needed to Solve Problems, Make Presentations and do Public Speaking.
Because many schools do not offer the coursework needed to provide a truly complete education.
We Teach History, Literature, Arts, Science, Logic and the Practical Application of Real Life Skills.
Our Students Can Design and Conduct the Scientific Laboratory Experiments they really want to do.
We provide Hands-On "Project Based Learning" activities and offer opporatunities for students to
Practice the Real Life Skills needed to Solve Problems, Make Presentations and do Public Speaking.
Arts & Activities
Our Courses are Designed to Inspire Creativity & Self Confidence
PAINTING ~ Hello, Learners!
Ada yang senang melukis, atau penasaran pingin coba melukis khususnya di atas kanvas? Painting yang diselenggarakan oleh kami diadakan rutin dan mengusung berbagai tema, Learners. Beberapa di antaranya: Paint Your Bag….dll, dan tema-tema unik lainnya. Media utama yang digunakan adalah cat akrilik di atas kanvas, namun untuk beberapa tema khusus, Learners bisa melukis di atas talenan, mug, dan bahkan di atas jaket denim, lho! Cocok nih buat Learners penyuka yang unik-unik. |
Learners! Do you like to paint, or are you curious about painting, especially on canvas?
Our painting classes are held regularly and have a variety of themes, like: Landscape, Abstract, Paint Your Bag .... etc. The main medium used is acrylic paint on canvas, but for some special themes, Learners paint on the boards, mugs, and even on denim jackets, you know! Suitable for Learners of All Ages. |
Kami menyediakan kursus membatik untuk anak-anak dan dewasa. Kamu akan menerima materi pengetahuan singkat tentang batik (sejarah, filosofi dan lain-lain), praktik membatik seperti membuat pola, menyanting hingga pewarnaan dengan metode colet, peralatan membatik seperti canting, wajan, kompor, bahan-bahan membatik dan juga sertifikat. |
Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to cloth using a technique that originated in Indonesia. In October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Batik as education activity,helping student to focus, develop their creativity, artistic thinking, learn about Indonesian culture. We organize batik courses for school electives, school events and homeschooling activities.
Join our Ceramics Club and learn all about ceramics. Students of all ages including adults love the process of making ceramics.
Our Ceramics program is divided into 3 levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advance. Participants will learn about with different techniques of making ceramics, including, hand-building, sculpture, the wheel as well as the firing and glazing processes.
Our students take away lasting creations and the experience of learning a real skill.
Join our Ceramics Club and learn all about ceramics. Students of all ages including adults love the process of making ceramics.
Our Ceramics program is divided into 3 levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advance. Participants will learn about with different techniques of making ceramics, including, hand-building, sculpture, the wheel as well as the firing and glazing processes.
Our students take away lasting creations and the experience of learning a real skill.
Kami membuka kelas clay dan keramik per anak maupun per group.
Di kelas ini siswa akan diajarkan teknik-teknik seni clay atau keramik dari mulai basic, intermediate lalu advance.
Kami membuka kursus keramik untuk umum.Bagi yang berminat untuk membuat keramik dan merasakan bagaimana membuat sesuatu yang special dan unik dari tanah liat yang dapat diberikan kepada orang yang special atau buat dikoleksi sendiri maka kami memfasilitasinya.
Kelas kursus keramik yang ditawarkan terdiri dari beberapa paket. Paket White Clay (paket Umum untuk pemula) Waktu 2 kali pertemuan dalam satu minggu, yaitu :
-Tanah liat olahan sebagai bahan utama membuat keramik.
- Glasir sebagai pewarna dan finishing akhir
- Alat Bantu dan Cetakan
- Tungku pembakaran dengan bahan bakar gas
- Ruang Studio yang nyaman
- Tenaga pengajar yang berpengalaman.
Belajar di sini setiap orang bisa rileks untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas ketika berkarya dengan bahan tanah liat (clay).Di sini, yang ditawarkan pengelolanya pada peminatnya adalah handbuilding (pembentukan secara manual) atau menggunakan meja putar elektrik (potter wheel).
Membentuk clay ternyata bisa meningkatkan kemampuan motorik, kemampuan observasi eksplorasi maupun eksperimentasi, membangun attitude yang sehat, kemampuan dan kebebasan berekspresi, dan bisa juga sebagai terapi.
Kami membuka kelas clay dan keramik per anak maupun per group.
Di kelas ini siswa akan diajarkan teknik-teknik seni clay atau keramik dari mulai basic, intermediate lalu advance.
Kami membuka kursus keramik untuk umum.Bagi yang berminat untuk membuat keramik dan merasakan bagaimana membuat sesuatu yang special dan unik dari tanah liat yang dapat diberikan kepada orang yang special atau buat dikoleksi sendiri maka kami memfasilitasinya.
Kelas kursus keramik yang ditawarkan terdiri dari beberapa paket. Paket White Clay (paket Umum untuk pemula) Waktu 2 kali pertemuan dalam satu minggu, yaitu :
-Tanah liat olahan sebagai bahan utama membuat keramik.
- Glasir sebagai pewarna dan finishing akhir
- Alat Bantu dan Cetakan
- Tungku pembakaran dengan bahan bakar gas
- Ruang Studio yang nyaman
- Tenaga pengajar yang berpengalaman.
Belajar di sini setiap orang bisa rileks untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas ketika berkarya dengan bahan tanah liat (clay).Di sini, yang ditawarkan pengelolanya pada peminatnya adalah handbuilding (pembentukan secara manual) atau menggunakan meja putar elektrik (potter wheel).
Membentuk clay ternyata bisa meningkatkan kemampuan motorik, kemampuan observasi eksplorasi maupun eksperimentasi, membangun attitude yang sehat, kemampuan dan kebebasan berekspresi, dan bisa juga sebagai terapi.
kamimemproduksi panah-panah amatir guna memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga yang mencari olah raga alternatif buat putra-putrinya. Dengan harga menengah ke bawah, busur berbahan pipa PVC atau bambu sangat terjangkau dan cukup berkualitas.
Kami menyadari bahwa selain alat, masyarakat juga membutuhkan pelatihan.Maka dibentuklah klub-klub panahan amatir.
kegiatan ini sangat diminati anak-anak mulai usia kelas 4 SD hingga dewasa.
Kami membuka kelas panahan untuk beberapa kategori:
a. Kelas Pemuda (SD/SMP/SMA)
b. Kelas Keluarga
c. Kelas Putri (Khusus Putri)
d. Kelas Formasi (Untuk penampilan seni panahan beregu)
kamimemproduksi panah-panah amatir guna memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga yang mencari olah raga alternatif buat putra-putrinya. Dengan harga menengah ke bawah, busur berbahan pipa PVC atau bambu sangat terjangkau dan cukup berkualitas.
Kami menyadari bahwa selain alat, masyarakat juga membutuhkan pelatihan.Maka dibentuklah klub-klub panahan amatir.
kegiatan ini sangat diminati anak-anak mulai usia kelas 4 SD hingga dewasa.
Kami membuka kelas panahan untuk beberapa kategori:
a. Kelas Pemuda (SD/SMP/SMA)
b. Kelas Keluarga
c. Kelas Putri (Khusus Putri)
d. Kelas Formasi (Untuk penampilan seni panahan beregu)
LTARI TRADISI (Traditional Indonsian Dance)
kami membuka kelas tari tradisional. Kelas ini bebas diikuti oleh siapa pun dan banyak diminati oleh anak-anak maupun dewasa.
untuk mengajarkan tari-tari tradisional kepada anak-anak maupun murid yang telah berusia dewasa. Dalam kelas ini para peserta diajarkan tarian Ondhel-ondhel dan Lenggang Nyai dari Betawi ,tarian Bajidor Kahot dari Jawa Barat, dan lain-lain
Kegiatan semacam ini merupakan salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengenalkan dan menanamkan rasa cinta kepada budaya Indonesia kepada anak-anak.
Pementasan menjadi bagian dari kurikulum pelajaran di sini setahun, kami menggelar 2 hingga 3 kali pementasan rutin.Siswa-siswanya juga kerap memperoleh penghargaan dalam kompetisi tari, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri.
Pantomim, sebuah seni pertunjukkan tanpa suara yang dimainkan dengan gerak dan ekspresi wajah, bahkan sampai mengecat bagian wajah biasanya dengan warna putih dan hitam.
kami membuka kelas tari tradisional. Kelas ini bebas diikuti oleh siapa pun dan banyak diminati oleh anak-anak maupun dewasa.
untuk mengajarkan tari-tari tradisional kepada anak-anak maupun murid yang telah berusia dewasa. Dalam kelas ini para peserta diajarkan tarian Ondhel-ondhel dan Lenggang Nyai dari Betawi ,tarian Bajidor Kahot dari Jawa Barat, dan lain-lain
Kegiatan semacam ini merupakan salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengenalkan dan menanamkan rasa cinta kepada budaya Indonesia kepada anak-anak.
Pementasan menjadi bagian dari kurikulum pelajaran di sini setahun, kami menggelar 2 hingga 3 kali pementasan rutin.Siswa-siswanya juga kerap memperoleh penghargaan dalam kompetisi tari, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri.
Pantomim, sebuah seni pertunjukkan tanpa suara yang dimainkan dengan gerak dan ekspresi wajah, bahkan sampai mengecat bagian wajah biasanya dengan warna putih dan hitam.
Drama Anak
Drama Anak, sebuah proses kreatif yg memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk mengeksplorasi potensi dini sebagai sebuah pengalaman belajar. Drama pada dasarnya bersifat improvisasi dan tujuannya adalah pencarian pengetahuan yg meliputi setiap aspek dalam kepribadian anak; spiritual, moral, emosional, intelektual dan fisik.
Dalam membuat drama, anak memasuki sebuah konteks imajinasi, melalui penampilan fiksi tentang karakter pada lingkup tertentu.Dalam konteks pendidikan dasar, drama edukatif memberikan anak-anak kesempatan untuk tampil di panggung dan membiarkan mereka mengekspresikan dirinya.
Drama Anak, sebuah proses kreatif yg memberikan kesempatan kepada anak untuk mengeksplorasi potensi dini sebagai sebuah pengalaman belajar. Drama pada dasarnya bersifat improvisasi dan tujuannya adalah pencarian pengetahuan yg meliputi setiap aspek dalam kepribadian anak; spiritual, moral, emosional, intelektual dan fisik.
Dalam membuat drama, anak memasuki sebuah konteks imajinasi, melalui penampilan fiksi tentang karakter pada lingkup tertentu.Dalam konteks pendidikan dasar, drama edukatif memberikan anak-anak kesempatan untuk tampil di panggung dan membiarkan mereka mengekspresikan dirinya.
Salah satu kegiatan menyenangkan yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak yaitu fun cooking. Anak-anak akan diajak berdiskusi di kelas mengenai menu yang akan mereka buat. Fasilitator terlebih dahulu menentukan temanya.Disini anak-anak belajar berdiskusi dengan temannya.Stimulasi pertanyaanpun dilontarkan fasilitator untuk memandu jalannya diskusi. Dalam kegiatan tersebut akan tampak potensi kecerdasan anak. Selain itu, anak-anak belajar mengungkapkan pendapat kepada orang lain. Selain itu, ketika muncul berbagai pendapat dan harus diambil keputusan, maka anak-anak akan belajar arti dari sebuah perbedaan pendapat. Awalnya ada yang bersikeras dengan pendapatnya.Ada yang menjadi follower. Ada pula yang menengahi jalannya diskusi.
Anak-anak melakukan kegiatan memasak sambil belajar. Mereka akan belajar sains mengenai wujud benda, perpindahan panas, dan zat makanan. Selain itu, mereka belajar bagaimana berdiskusi, menyampaikan pendapat, menghargai adanya perbedaan pendapat, dan mendelegasikan tanggung jawab. Setelah kegiatan fun cooking selesai, maka mereka akan makan bersama. Disini anak-anak akan belajar bagaimana adab makan. Inilah yang wajib dikuasai oleh anak-anak. Menguasai bagaimana mengelola uang, mengutarakan pendapat, berkomunikasi dengan orang lain, menghargai setiap perbedaan pendapat, memasak sendiri apa yang menjadi kebutuhan dan keinginanya. Dan inilah yang disebut sebagai sekolah kehidupan.Belajar bisa dilakukan dengan kegiatan memasak bersama di alam bebas.
Salah satu kegiatan menyenangkan yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak yaitu fun cooking. Anak-anak akan diajak berdiskusi di kelas mengenai menu yang akan mereka buat. Fasilitator terlebih dahulu menentukan temanya.Disini anak-anak belajar berdiskusi dengan temannya.Stimulasi pertanyaanpun dilontarkan fasilitator untuk memandu jalannya diskusi. Dalam kegiatan tersebut akan tampak potensi kecerdasan anak. Selain itu, anak-anak belajar mengungkapkan pendapat kepada orang lain. Selain itu, ketika muncul berbagai pendapat dan harus diambil keputusan, maka anak-anak akan belajar arti dari sebuah perbedaan pendapat. Awalnya ada yang bersikeras dengan pendapatnya.Ada yang menjadi follower. Ada pula yang menengahi jalannya diskusi.
Anak-anak melakukan kegiatan memasak sambil belajar. Mereka akan belajar sains mengenai wujud benda, perpindahan panas, dan zat makanan. Selain itu, mereka belajar bagaimana berdiskusi, menyampaikan pendapat, menghargai adanya perbedaan pendapat, dan mendelegasikan tanggung jawab. Setelah kegiatan fun cooking selesai, maka mereka akan makan bersama. Disini anak-anak akan belajar bagaimana adab makan. Inilah yang wajib dikuasai oleh anak-anak. Menguasai bagaimana mengelola uang, mengutarakan pendapat, berkomunikasi dengan orang lain, menghargai setiap perbedaan pendapat, memasak sendiri apa yang menjadi kebutuhan dan keinginanya. Dan inilah yang disebut sebagai sekolah kehidupan.Belajar bisa dilakukan dengan kegiatan memasak bersama di alam bebas.
***We Welcome Parent Participation & Encourage Parents to Join Classes***
Special Events Courses & Progams
SCIENCE SATURDAYS (4 Week Short Courses)
this Course is Designed to Engage Students with Fascinating and Fun Science Experiments.
The Course will be held for 2 hours on Saturdays (Time: To Be Determined).
5th Grade Students and above can sign up on a monthly (4 week ) basis for 1,500,000 Rupiah.
All Materials and Saftey Equipment will be provided.
Parents are welcome to attend any and all classes.
Chemistry Experiments (4 Week Short Course)
Physics of Rockets (4 Week Short Course)
this Course is Designed to Engage Students with Fascinating and Fun Science Experiments.
The Course will be held for 2 hours on Saturdays (Time: To Be Determined).
5th Grade Students and above can sign up on a monthly (4 week ) basis for 1,500,000 Rupiah.
All Materials and Saftey Equipment will be provided.
Parents are welcome to attend any and all classes.
Chemistry Experiments (4 Week Short Course)
- Edible Chemistry (Gummy Bears & Gummy Worms)
- Invisible Ink & Home Made Film (Photo Reactive Solutions )
- Make Your Own Camera
- Make Your Own Mirror Box
Physics of Rockets (4 Week Short Course)
- Water Rocket Launcher (Build Your Own)
- Water Rocket Competition
- Building Solid Fuel Rockets
- Launching Solid Fuel Rockets
1. In Jakarta
2. In Indonesia
3. In Other Counties
Please Contact Us for More information
2. In Indonesia
3. In Other Counties
Please Contact Us for More information
***We use the Most Modern and Best Traditional Teaching Technologies***
We Bring Programs to Schools
Sejak kecil kita terbiasa mendengar cerita/dongeng.Tanpa kita sadari, nilai-nilai di cerita itu kita kenali, akrabi, malah akhirnya ada yang jadi perilaku kita.Misal, nilai pertemanan, gotong royong, hormat ke orang tua.
Di kelas yang berlangsung ini, materi belajarnya adalah pentingnya bercerita dalam membangun ….. Bagaimana merancang konsep cerita? Apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung cerita kita? Kira-kira kisah seperti apa yang menarik dan memiliki kelekatan dengan audiens-nya?
Sejak kecil kita terbiasa mendengar cerita/dongeng.Tanpa kita sadari, nilai-nilai di cerita itu kita kenali, akrabi, malah akhirnya ada yang jadi perilaku kita.Misal, nilai pertemanan, gotong royong, hormat ke orang tua.
Di kelas yang berlangsung ini, materi belajarnya adalah pentingnya bercerita dalam membangun ….. Bagaimana merancang konsep cerita? Apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung cerita kita? Kira-kira kisah seperti apa yang menarik dan memiliki kelekatan dengan audiens-nya?
We have experienced experts at organizing and hosting Science Fairs.
We Do Science Demonstrations and/or Organize Entire Events.
Please Contact us for more information.
We Do Science Demonstrations and/or Organize Entire Events.
Please Contact us for more information.
We have experienced experts at organizing School Fairs.
Please Contact us for more information.
Please Contact us for more information.
***We use a dynamic methods of teaching to fulfill the needs of 21st century learners***
Our Academic Courses
WORLD HISTORY 101 ~ Semester 1 ~ (August to December)
It uses a variety of printed and online materials to provide a full spectrum of study materials.
The following link is an example of one online resourse utilized in this course
WORLD HISTORY 102 ~ Semester 2 ~ (January to June)
It uses a variety of printed and online materials to provide a full spectrum of study materials.
- Pre-History ~ Science and Traditions
- Adam & Eve to Noah ~ Ancient Babylon to Abraham
- Empires ~ Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome & Islamic
It uses a variety of printed and online materials to provide a full spectrum of study materials.
The following link is an example of one online resourse utilized in this course
WORLD HISTORY 102 ~ Semester 2 ~ (January to June)
- History ~ The Telling & The Dark Ages
- The 16th - 20th Centuries
- Asia,Africa, Europe and the Americas
- England & America
It uses a variety of printed and online materials to provide a full spectrum of study materials.
WORLD HISTORY 102 ~ Semester 2 ~ (January to June)
It uses a variety of printed and online materials to provide a full spectrum of study materials.
- History ~ The Telling & The Dark Ages
- The 16th - 20th Centuries
- Asia,Africa, Europe and the Americas
- England & America
It uses a variety of printed and online materials to provide a full spectrum of study materials.
Business & Economics 101 ~ HISTORY & The Basics
Business & Economics 101 ~ History & The Basics
Business & Economics 102 ~ Applied Business Math
Business & Economics 102 ~ Applied Business Math
- Time Value of Money
- Compound Interest, Savings, Investing & Inflation
- Stocks, Bonds, Equities, Futures & Currencies
- Invest 1 million USD in a “Virtual Portfolio”
- Follow the Investments Over Time
- Graph the Results
- Present and Discuss the reasons for the results.
- This 10 week Short Course will teach students the basic operations of Stock Markets and help them understand the fundamental factors effecting economic performance in the global and national economy.
- All needed materials will be provided. Students will produce a written & visual presentation of what they have learned and present the outcome of their “investments” as well as discuss the reasons why their investments were profitable or not.
- Students will be able to continue investing with their “virtual portfolio” as a result of the knowledge they have gained in this course.
Business & Economics 103 ~ Business Design
Business & Economics 103 ~ Business Design
- What Makes Businesses Successful (Supply & Demand)
- Identify a Market Demand (Peoples Needs and Wants)
- Research Existing Suppliers & Related Companies/competitors
- Make a Business Plan that provides a Product(s) or Service(s)
- Make a Business Plan that Details the Resources and Steps Required to Start the Business
- Present the Business Plan and Discuss its potential success and/or failure.
- This 10 week Short Course will teach students the basics business design as well as understand the fundamental factors effecting the success of new business start ups.
- All needed materials will be provided. Students will produce a written & visual presentation of what they have learned and present their business plan to the class, family, friends and potential investors. We will discuss the reasons why their plan may or may not be successful.
- Students may choose to implement their plan on their own or gain assistance by joining the following course called Business & Economics 104 ~ Business Creation.
Business & Economics 104 ~ Business Creation
Business & Economics 104 ~ Business Creation
- After identifying a Personal Passion & Presenting a Business Plan that has the can be financed and implemented, Begin the Work Needed to Start the Business.
- Initiate finance acquisition through the generation of various presentations using IT such as PowerPoint, Web Sites and Social Media.
- Collect feedback from potential investors, family and friends and modify the business plan to as needed.
- Initiate the business plan.
- Seek and gain the assistance they need by bringing their difficulties or concerns up in class discussions.
- Student will produce a journal of their experience that documents the steps they have taken as well as their difficulties and achievements.
- This 10 week Short Course will assist students start a business they have already designed.
- Classes will be devoted to discussion of the issues students are facing in their businesses as well as helping them develop methods of overcoming difficulties and foresee potential problems.
- Student will produce a journal of their experience that documents the steps they have taken as well as their difficulties and achievements.
Cambridge Courses
***All Our Teachers are Trained Professionals who Possess the Passion needed to Inspire Students.***
Art & Design ~ Cambridge IGCSE
Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400)
The Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design syllabus aims to encourage a personal response by stimulating imagination, sensitivity, conceptual thinking, powers of observation and analytical ability. Learners gain confidence and enthusiasm as they develop technical skills in two and three dimensional form and composition, and are able to identify and solve problems in visual and tactile forms. They also learn how to develop ideas from initial attempts to final solutions. An ideal foundation for further study, Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design also develops a greater awareness of the role played by the visual arts in society and in history, broadening cultural horizons and individual experience.
The Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design syllabus aims to encourage a personal response by stimulating imagination, sensitivity, conceptual thinking, powers of observation and analytical ability. Learners gain confidence and enthusiasm as they develop technical skills in two and three dimensional form and composition, and are able to identify and solve problems in visual and tactile forms. They also learn how to develop ideas from initial attempts to final solutions. An ideal foundation for further study, Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design also develops a greater awareness of the role played by the visual arts in society and in history, broadening cultural horizons and individual experience.
Cambridge International AS and A Level Art and Design (9479)
The Cambridge International A Level Art and Design syllabus considers expression and communication. Learners gain an understanding of visual perception and aesthetic experience, and the ways in which art and design creates a language of its own.
Most of the work for this syllabus is practical or studio based, so that learners can develop their abilities of observation and analysis of the visual world, sensitivity, skill, personal expression and imagination. They also learn how to relate their skills to an enhanced knowledge of their own cultures, past and present, as well as an appreciation of practical design problems.
The Cambridge International A Level Art and Design syllabus considers expression and communication. Learners gain an understanding of visual perception and aesthetic experience, and the ways in which art and design creates a language of its own.
Most of the work for this syllabus is practical or studio based, so that learners can develop their abilities of observation and analysis of the visual world, sensitivity, skill, personal expression and imagination. They also learn how to relate their skills to an enhanced knowledge of their own cultures, past and present, as well as an appreciation of practical design problems.
English as a Second Language ( ESL) ~ cAMBRIDGE IGCSE
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) - 0511
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order to progress in their education or career. Through their studies, learners will improve their ability to understand and use English in a range of situations.
The aim is to achieve a level of practical communication ideal for everyday use, which can also form the basis for further, more in-depth language study.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0511 is the same as Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510 with the exception of the speaking component.
In Syllabus 0511, the marks for the speaking component contribute to the overall grade.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order to progress in their education or career. Through their studies, learners will improve their ability to understand and use English in a range of situations.
The aim is to achieve a level of practical communication ideal for everyday use, which can also form the basis for further, more in-depth language study.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0511 is the same as Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510 with the exception of the speaking component.
In Syllabus 0511, the marks for the speaking component contribute to the overall grade.
English as a First Language ~ CAMBRIDGE IGCSE
Cambridge IGCSE English - First Language (0500)
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English is designed for learners whose first language is English.
The course enables learners to:
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English is designed for learners whose first language is English.
The course enables learners to:
- develop the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively when speaking and writing
- use a wide range of vocabulary, and the correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
- develop a personal style and an awareness of the audience being addressed.
Cambridge IGCSE Literature (English) (0486)
The syllabus enables learners to read, interpret and evaluate texts through the study of literature in English. Learners develop an understanding of literal meaning, relevant contexts and of the deeper themes or attitudes that may be expressed. Through their studies, they learn to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use English to achieve a range of effects, and will be able to present an informed, personal response to the material they have studied.
The syllabus also encourages the exploration of wider and universal issues, promoting learners' better understanding of themselves and of the world around them.
The syllabus enables learners to read, interpret and evaluate texts through the study of literature in English. Learners develop an understanding of literal meaning, relevant contexts and of the deeper themes or attitudes that may be expressed. Through their studies, they learn to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use English to achieve a range of effects, and will be able to present an informed, personal response to the material they have studied.
The syllabus also encourages the exploration of wider and universal issues, promoting learners' better understanding of themselves and of the world around them.
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics (0580)
An essential subject for all learners, Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics encourages the development of mathematical knowledge as a key life skill, and as a strong basis for more advanced study. The syllabus aims to build learners' confidence by helping them develop competence and fluency with mathematical concepts, methods and skills, as well as a feel for numbers, patterns and relationships. The syllabus also places a strong emphasis on solving problems and presenting and interpreting results. Learners also gain an understanding of how to communicate and reason using mathematical concepts.
An essential subject for all learners, Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics encourages the development of mathematical knowledge as a key life skill, and as a strong basis for more advanced study. The syllabus aims to build learners' confidence by helping them develop competence and fluency with mathematical concepts, methods and skills, as well as a feel for numbers, patterns and relationships. The syllabus also places a strong emphasis on solving problems and presenting and interpreting results. Learners also gain an understanding of how to communicate and reason using mathematical concepts.
Mathematics - Additional ~ CAMBRIDGE IGCSE
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics - Additional (0606)
Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics supports learners in building competency, confidence and fluency in their use of techniques and mathematical understanding. This course helps learners to develop a feel for quantity, patterns and relationships. Learners will develop their reasoning, problem-solving and analytical skills in a variety of contexts.
It provides a strong foundation of mathematical knowledge both for candidates studying mathematics at a higher level and those who will require mathematics to support skills in other subjects. It is designed to stretch the most able candidates and provides a smooth transition to Cambridge AS & A Level Mathematics.
Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics supports learners in building competency, confidence and fluency in their use of techniques and mathematical understanding. This course helps learners to develop a feel for quantity, patterns and relationships. Learners will develop their reasoning, problem-solving and analytical skills in a variety of contexts.
It provides a strong foundation of mathematical knowledge both for candidates studying mathematics at a higher level and those who will require mathematics to support skills in other subjects. It is designed to stretch the most able candidates and provides a smooth transition to Cambridge AS & A Level Mathematics.
Mathematics ~ CAMBRIDGE AS & A LEVEL
Cambridge International AS and A LevelMathematics (9709)
Cambridge International A Level Mathematics develops a set of transferable skills. These include the skill of working with mathematical information, as well as the ability to think logically and independently, consider accuracy, model situations mathematically, analyse results and reflect on findings.
Learners can apply these skills across a wide range of subjects and these skills equip them well for progression to higher education or directly into employment.
At AS level, teachers can choose from three different routes to Cambridge International AS Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematics only, Pure Mathematics and Mechanics, or Pure Mathematics and Probability & Statistics.
At A Level, teachers can also choose from different routes to Cambridge International A Level Mathematics depending on the choice of applied mathematics (Mechanics and/or Probability and Statistics).
Cambridge International A Level Mathematics develops a set of transferable skills. These include the skill of working with mathematical information, as well as the ability to think logically and independently, consider accuracy, model situations mathematically, analyse results and reflect on findings.
Learners can apply these skills across a wide range of subjects and these skills equip them well for progression to higher education or directly into employment.
At AS level, teachers can choose from three different routes to Cambridge International AS Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematics only, Pure Mathematics and Mechanics, or Pure Mathematics and Probability & Statistics.
At A Level, teachers can also choose from different routes to Cambridge International A Level Mathematics depending on the choice of applied mathematics (Mechanics and/or Probability and Statistics).
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language (Count-in speaking) - 0511
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order to progress in their education or career. Through their studies, learners will improve their ability to understand and use English in a range of situations.
The aim is to achieve a level of practical communication ideal for everyday use, which can also form the basis for further, more in-depth language study.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0511 is the same as Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510 with the exception of the speaking component.
In Syllabus 0511, the marks for the speaking component contribute to the overall grade.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order to progress in their education or career. Through their studies, learners will improve their ability to understand and use English in a range of situations.
The aim is to achieve a level of practical communication ideal for everyday use, which can also form the basis for further, more in-depth language study.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0511 is the same as Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510 with the exception of the speaking component.
In Syllabus 0511, the marks for the speaking component contribute to the overall grade.
Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry (0620)
The Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry syllabus enables learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. Learners gain an understanding of the basic principles of Chemistry through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. They also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study at Cambridge International A Level, skills which are useful in everyday life.
As they progress, learners understand how science is studied and practised, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment.
The Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry syllabus enables learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. Learners gain an understanding of the basic principles of Chemistry through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. They also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study at Cambridge International A Level, skills which are useful in everyday life.
As they progress, learners understand how science is studied and practised, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment.
Cambridge IGCSE Physics (0625)
The Cambridge IGCSE Physics syllabus helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. They learn about the basic principles of Physics through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study at Cambridge International A Level, skills which are useful in everyday life.
As they progress, learners gain an understanding of how science is studied and practised, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment.
The Cambridge IGCSE Physics syllabus helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. They learn about the basic principles of Physics through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study at Cambridge International A Level, skills which are useful in everyday life.
As they progress, learners gain an understanding of how science is studied and practised, and become aware that the results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment.
Cambridge Curiculum Overview
We Offer Additional Cambridge Courses
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Please Contact us for more information
Cambridge Primary curriculum ~ CHECKPOINT
Cambridge Primary curriculum
We offer the Cambridge Primary curriculum framework for each subject:
English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics and Science.
We use integrated assessments to monitor learners’ progress.
Our student may elect to sit for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests which are designed to assess learners at the end of their Cambridge Primary studies. They are available in English, English as a second language, mathematics and science, and give valuable feedback on learners’ strengths and weaknesses before they progress to their next stage of education.
These tests are marked in Cambridge and provide parents and students with an external international benchmark of performance. Each learner receives a statement of achievement and a diagnostic feedback report, giving schools detailed information and parents extra trust in the service we provide.
We assists our students register for any Cambridge Examinations they wish to take.
Cambridge Lower Secondary CURRICULUM ~ CHECKPOINT
Cambridge Lower Secondary develops skills and understanding in English, mathematics and science for the first years of secondary education. It combines a world-class curriculum, high-quality support for teachers and integrated assessment.
Our curriculum frameworks for English also include an 'English as a second language' option.
Cambridge Lower Secondary provides an excellent preparation for Cambridge Upper Secondary and other educational programmes.
Cambridge Lower Secondary includes two testing options: Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests and Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint. These assessments provide an international benchmark of student achievement, helping parents, students and teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses and give advice on progression routes.
Our curriculum frameworks for English also include an 'English as a second language' option.
Cambridge Lower Secondary provides an excellent preparation for Cambridge Upper Secondary and other educational programmes.
Cambridge Lower Secondary includes two testing options: Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests and Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint. These assessments provide an international benchmark of student achievement, helping parents, students and teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses and give advice on progression routes.
Cambridge Upper Secondary CurRiculum ~ IGCSE
Cambridge Upper Secondary builds on the foundations of Cambridge Lower Secondary, although learners do not need to complete that stage before this one. Cambridge IGCSE provides broad and balanced study across a wide range of subjects, using learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches to learning.
Please See The Courses Listed Below.
Please See The Courses Listed Below.
Cambridge Advanced CURRICULUM ~ AS, A, Pre-u
Cambridge Advanced builds on the foundations of Cambridge Upper Secondary, although learners do not need to complete that stage before this one. It help learners develop independent study skills which universities value highly.
Cambridge Advanced is typically for learners aged 16 to 19 years who need advanced study to prepare for university and higher education. It offers learners two routes: Cambridge International AS & A Level, and Cambridge Pre-U.
Cambridge Advanced is typically for learners aged 16 to 19 years who need advanced study to prepare for university and higher education. It offers learners two routes: Cambridge International AS & A Level, and Cambridge Pre-U.
We know that Learning is a Life Long Process &
Inspire Students to Love Learning by
Demonstrating the Fun of Discovery &
The Usefulness of Practical Application.
Inspire Students to Love Learning by
Demonstrating the Fun of Discovery &
The Usefulness of Practical Application.