This elective will provide the opportunity for students to substantially improve the Eco Nature Trail. This work will be of good benefit to the Springfield Community & Local Residence for years to come.
Students in this elective must choose to be a part of one specific project and project team.
Each Team will be required to develop the plan to complete their project with excellence.
Every Team will participate in a fair type fundraising event to raise money for the project.
Project Team Outlines: Garden Design and Construction
creating a garden and composting program at Springfield
clearing, leveling and preparing the land for gardens
planting and caring for the gardens
Landscape Design and Construction
creating paths and placing stepping stones,
making benches and poring placing concrete
arranging and planting plants & trees
Structural Design and Construction
building a water wheel pump
building a elevated platform for water storage
building a rock climbing / repelling facility
NOTE:) If You Wish to take this elective You Must...